The Grass Isn’t Greener…

If you’ve been following permaculture in Calgary, then you’ve probably been hearing about Permablitz – the transformation of lawns into productive, abundant landscapes. You may be [...]

All About Water

This last weekend our Spring PDC class spent a whole day learning about all aspects of water including grey water, black water, rain water, and storm water. We learned how to put all of these [...]

The Mustard Seed Garden: Progress Update

This article was written by Jessica Kavanaugh “Building community, growing hope, supporting change” is the mission of the Mustard Seed, a non-profit Calgary organization that works to help the [...]

Whoa! What a Week-end…

Well this past week-end we kicked off the start of Spring in a big way: Saturday and Sunday were the first two days of our Calgary Permaculture Design Course, Saturday was Seedy Saturday and [...]

How We Designed Our Solar Greenhouse

We live and garden on an urban lot in Calgary, Canada, located on the 51st parallel north and approximately 80 km east of the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies. This northern climate presents [...]

Introducing our New Boss – Rowen Avis

Please join us in welcoming the newest addition to Verge Permaculture – Rowen Avis. Born at home on December 27th, 2010 at 9:30 pm, Rowen surprised his parents by arriving two weeks early. [...]

Rob’s DIY Vermipod

For some time now I’ve been anxious to get a worm composting system for our kitchen scraps to turn our “waste” into a valuable resource – soil! Inspired by some pretty neat worm systems [...]

Photos from our Backyard Cob Oven Workshop

About a month ago we managed to convince our friend Ashley Lubyk to teach a Cob Oven workshop in our backyard.  We quickly found twelve eager participants, spent a few days collecting materials [...]

What is an Earthship?

Largely popularized by the 2008 documentary movie, Garbage Warrior, an Earthship is an earth-sheltered, passive solar home built from – well, trash (basically, car tires and cans). Inventor [...]

Why Permaculture Design?

Why Permaculture Design? Peak Oil, loss of diversity, species extinction, conspiracy, oil spills, food insecurity …. the problems that we face seem to increase both in size and complexity [...]

Australian Permaculture Tour – Part II

This is part two of a four part series about two Canadian permaculture enthusiasts and their three month journey exploring, visiting and learning about the what’s going on in the [...]

The Story of Soil

What is the difference between soil and dirt? Soil is alive. Dirt is dead. A single teaspoon of soil can contain billions of microscopic bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. A handful of the [...]

Rockets That Don’t Fly

Living in Canada makes staying warm in winter an interesting challenge. In such a cold climate I have long wondered how to continue to keep humans warm (care of people) without bringing down [...]

Zaytuna Farm Yields

 History has shown time and time again that civilizations have risen and fallen based on the quantity and health of their topsoil. Since food is the basis of civilization and topsoil is the basis [...]

Grass is sooo 80’s!

Another food forest installation in Calgary – yipee! The group of students from our Springtime Introduction to Permaculture class taught through Clean Calgary got together one beautiful [...]

The Biodome- Combining aquaculture and gardening is so smart!

The Biodome is a large dome located here at the Folkecenter that combines a hydroponic greenhouse with an aquaculture system. It utilizes an integrated approach to water and nutrient reuse, [...]

Husum Wind Energy Conference

Rob and I attended the Husum Wind Energy Conference on September 18th. The largest wind industry trade show in the world is held every second year in Northern Germany in a small town [...]

A Car Powered by Wind

Here at the Folkecenter there are numerous vehicles running on alternative fuels. Pure Plant Oil (PPO) There is a rape seed refinery here where they have the ability to press and filter rape seed [...]

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