The Verge Blog

Composting in Small Spaces

If you’re looking to cut your landfill waste, undo the effects of erosion, reduce your climate footprint, and fall in love with the regenerative magic of soil, your best first step is a simple one: composting (find out why HERE). But if you’re in an apartment, condo, or townhouse with no land [...]

A Beginner’s Guide to Making Compost at Home

“Produce No Waste.” This core permaculture principle sounds like a green ideal to reduce pollution, yes? But that’s just the beginning: this principle also reminds us that nature transforms its waste products and dead matter into living soil…and we can, too.  Picture a wild forest: its floor [...]

Build Your Own Permaculture Fruit Tree Guild

If you listen to conventional wisdom, you might begin to think that planting fruit trees on your property is a terrible idea – they’re prone to diseases and pests, and demand endless spraying and coddling just to produce a tiny harvest!  But there’s one thing that conventional wisdom doesn’t [...]

How to Design a Permaculture Food Forest

“Food forest” – “forest garden” – “agroforestry” – if you grew up seeing farms with single-crop fields stretching away into the distance, these terms may provoke some cognitive dissonance! Just imagine: forest bathing in green-filtered sunlight, feeling stress melt away as you listen to [...]

How to Build an Epic Permaculture garden

Imagine a garden where every plant, insect, and drop of water plays a vital role in a vibrant ecosystem. This is the heart of an epic permaculture garden, a space that transcends traditional gardening to become a symphony of nature. Here, you’re not just a gardener; you’re an [...]

How Rainwater Cisterns Filter Water

One of the fascinating concepts in biology is the microbial infallibility hypothesis. In his 1951 textbook, British microbiologist Ernest Gale put forward a hypothesis which stated: “If there is energy to be gained from a compound, a microorganism will figure out how to extract it and [...]

Why Build a Permaculture Property Part I

If there was ever a time to add Permaculture to your property, it is now: whether you plan to buy a new piece, rural or urban, and transform it, or to redesign the property you have.  The last three years have begun to show the follies of globalization, just-in-time shipping and inventory [...]

Building Our Permaculture Chicken Tractor

By Kate Fulmore Happy, healthy chickens, cows, and sheep – flavorful, nutritious eggs – fertile soil – with benefits like these, we’ve wanted to adopt Joel Salatin’s amazing methods for pasture-raised eggs for a while now. And we’ve just completed the construction of our [...]


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