Check out the past articles in the Permaculture Business series: Part 1: Tips from the Pros Part 2: On Opportunities Part 3: Barriers and Challenges “What would you have done [...]
Nestled in southeast Calgary is one of the city’s original thriving permaculture projects – our home! And now we are offering an exclusive opportunity to learn all about it…online in our new [...]
(Find Part 1, Tips from the Pros here and Part 2, Opportunities and Niches here) A Personal Take on Barriers to Success As with any career or business, there are barriers to achieving success. [...]
(Find Part 1, Tips from the Pros here) Opportunity is about seeing things differently What is amazing about permaculture are the number of solutions that are contained within the design system. [...]
I’ve been running Verge Permaculture for five years now, and before that worked as an engineer in the oil and gas industry. Starting a business was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I didn’t [...]