Exciting news from the Adaptive Habitat team… we just signed a book deal with New Society Publishers.
We are excited to be working with them again (they published our 2018 book, Essential Rainwater Harvesting).
This new book will encapsulates our 20+ collective years of consulting in the design and implementation of permaculture-type farms and acreages, and is based on The Adaptive Habitat Program, an online course we co-developed and have been co-teaching with Takota Coen of Coen Farm for the last 1.5 years.
This is the first land design book that we know of that focuses on how to think and not what to do. It is very process-oriented and in it we share tools we’ve developed including our virtual resource list, process pyramid, life planner, and workflow tools for designing land using the software program Google Earth Pro. Not only that, this book will be a compilation of the most useful frameworks and heuristics we use in our daily work as consultants, educators, and land managers.
Why is This Important?
In our travels teaching and consulting all across Canada we have worked with urban and rural land stewards alike. And we have found over and over again that they are all struggling with the same problem – complexity.
This complexity manifests itself as information overload, such as not knowing where to start, or decision fatigue. The reality is that management is a huge challenge when we try to consider the infinite number of variables in the hyper complex ecosystems that we call farms, ranches and homesteads.
This complexity is leading to burnout, bankruptcy or both. After working with dozens of property owners we started to see patterns and to develop a process to overcome that overwhelm so that we could take strategic action towards our goal of a healthier planet and healthier people.
Our book will describe a process and tools that can be used by land stewards everywhere to stop the grind and start growing their own adaptive habitat that will heal the planet and its people.
When Will It Be Available?
Well… it’s certainly not an overnight process. We will be working very hard over the next 8 – 12 months to write the content and the anticipated publication date is Fall 2020. As long as you are on one of our email lists, you’ll certainly here from us when we start taking pre-orders and when it is available for purchase.