|The Bundle|

- Over $500 of Value
- A copy of Building Your Permaculture Property (softcover, e-book or audiobook) OR get the Book-less Bundle if you already own a copy
- Unlimited lifetime access to the recordings from The Summit
- The Building Your Permaculture Property Toolkit
- The Google Earth Pro & Contour Map Generator Course
- The Building Your Permaculture Property Mini-Course
*There may be delays for international orders. Check with your local post office to see how your shipping supply chains may or may not be affected
What Exactly is in This Bundle?
You don’t often see (in fact we’ve never seen!) a gathering of permaculture thought leaders like we brought together in our Book Launch + Summit… so we owed it to posterity to record every interview, case study, and insight. Take that set of 20 60-minute recordings and add to it a copy of the book, plus the Tookit, plus the Google Earth Pro & Contour Map Generator Course, plus the Masterclass we recorded with over one hundred students in the fall of 2022 and you have The Building Your Permaculture Property Bundle – a comprehensive set of self-study tools to put your well on your independent way to building your permaculture property!
Exactly what is needed in the regenerative agriculture, homesteading and permaculture community right now.
Slices through the Gordian Knot that stops most people from realizing their home and nature visions through this powerful design system.
Will help you clarify your own approach to success, and help you navigate complexity with confidence.
A valuable tool for individuals in their permaculture journeys.
Building Your Permaculture Property distills the authors’ decades of experience and insights gained as engineers, farmers, educators, and consultants into practices, templates, productivity and workflow tools to help you:

- Clarify your vision, values and resources
- Diagnose your resources for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
- Design your resources to meet your vision and values
- Implement the right design that will most improve your weakest resource
- Monitor your resources for indicators of well-being or suffering
This book is the essential guide for all land stewards looking to cut through the noise and establish an ecologically regenerative, financially sustainable, enjoyable, and thriving permaculture property, anywhere in the world. It will be available for pre-sale soon.
Meet The Authors

Rob Avis, PEng, co-owns Adaptive Habitat, a leading-edge property design firm, and Verge Permaculture, a globally-recognized, award-winning education business. He is co-author of Essential Rainwater Harvesting and lives in Alberta, Canada.

Takota Coen is a permaculture educator, Red Seal Carpenter, second-generation organic farmer, and co-owner and operator of Coen Farm, an award-winning 250-acre permaculture farm that produces nutrient-dense raw-milk-fed pork, grass-fed beef, pastured eggs, forest garden berries, and herbal teas. He lives near Edmonton, Alberta.

Michelle Avis, PEng, co-owns Adaptive Habitat, a leading-edge property design firm, and Verge Permaculture, a globally-recognized, award-winning education business. She is co-author of Essential Rainwater Harvesting and lives in Alberta, Canada.
230 Full Color Pages
With illustrations from award winning illustrator, Jarrett Sitter…
Also Available in Audiobook
Read by Nate Drury and Sayer Roberts. Listen to a snippet below!

Click below to view the first chapter of the book…
When you purchase the audiobook from our website you will receive a link to download a zipped file containing several DRM-free MP3 files.
You can download the zipped file directly to your computer or the device of your choice and follow the download instructions. If you’re having trouble please visit our publishers website where you will find step-by-step instructions.

To bring you the very best inspiration and information about greener, more sustainable lifestyles, Mother Earth News recommends select books to its readers. This book is one of them.
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