Meet Michelle Edworthy
Coordinator, Grounds for Change (an Agrium Program)
Expertise: Consulting, Schoolyard garden education (native plants and food gardens)
Michelle's Background
Michelle holds a degree in Agricultural Ecology from the University of British Columbia and of course, a permaculture design certificate. As a seasoned environmental education professional, she has taught outdoor education for over a decade and has created several curriculum-based programs.
Currently, Michelle is the coordinator for the Grounds for Change, a program specializing in schoolyard naturalization, the process of using native plants and vegetable gardens to offer opportunities for kids to experience nature at school. She is passionate about experiential learning and gardening and is also an avid outdoorsperson.

The Grounds for Change Program guides schools through the process of developing, maintaining, and educating in schoolyard gardens through meetings, resource provision, and educational programs. Its vision is to bring about a garden to every school in the Calgary area. Currently, there are over a hundred schools with gardens, and Grounds for Change has been involved in several of them since 1995. Services are provided, free of charge, through the generosity of Agrium.
“Each time a schoolyard naturalization area is planted, more children can connect with nature, creating an affinity for stewardship and conservation. As Margaret Mead said, ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.'”
What is schoolyard naturalization? Check out this short video introducing the idea and its importance for children:

Interested in Michelle's work with Grounds for Change?
Phone Number: 587-223-2645
Email: groundsforchange17(at)