Meet Maurice

    • Service Offering, Design

    • Area of Specialization, Architecture

    • Areas Serviced, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachussetts, USA

Maurice's Story

Maurice has a hands-on construction background as well as a BA in physics from Emory University and a BA in Architecture from Boston Architectural College.  His work combines design skills, permaculture principals, and knowledge of local construction methods with 3D computer modeling capabilities to make his clients dreams become a reality.


About Maurice's Work

After 18 years as a partner in one of the islands top architectural firms in 2014 Maurice decided to leave and start a sole proprietorship so he could complete every aspect the project himself from start to finish. Now in 2020, after completing his PDC with Verge, his client’s projects can benefit from having the dedicated focus of an experienced architect with permaculture training. You can check out his website here

Maurice combined his background in Architecture with the skills he gained in the course to produce an amazing design for his final project, which you can view below.

Maurice’s Final Design Project Submission:


Maurice's PDC Experience

Curious what Maurice thought about the Online PDC? Wonder how it has impacted his work? Check out the interview below where he share’s his thoughts, opinions, and experiences after having completed the 2020 Summer course.


Looking to connect with Maurice?


Location: Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts



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