Meet Jen Nobel
Founder, Northbound Bloom
Expertise: Ecological Land Design
Services: Urban yard consultations, kitchen garden designs, local appropriate landscaping/native landscaping, local food production support, passive solar greenhouse design
Jen's Story
Initially an architectural graduate, Jen first heard of permaculture on a trip to Sierra Leone with Earthship Biotecture in 2011, but wasn’t formally introduced to it until she took a few introductory workshops with Jardins sans Frontières in Montreal. Everything seemed new yet was so basic; permaculture struck such a chord with Jen that she felt like her brain was being rewired.
Permaculture answered so many questions that didn’t make sense to her about how the world functions in modern Western society—why are we flushing toilets with clean water? Why do we even have grass lawns? Why are conventional farm soils being degraded when farming is touted as natural? Jen also really like permaculture’s positive approach to resolving issues rather than simply pointing out problems.
After taking the Verge’s Professional Development PDC with 1-on-1 mentoring, Jen moved away from architecture and interior design to launch her own company so she can merge her love for design, technical skills, and health. Learning to grow her own nutrient-dense food and finding personal health solutions are journeys she’s passionate about sharing with others.

About Northbound Bloom

Based in Timmins, Ontario, Northbound Bloom Ecological Land Design allows Jen to merge her expertise in design with her passion for health. As a new company, this initial year will be dedicated to experimentation, to see what the people of northern Ontario are interested in. Northbound Bloom is working on smaller raised garden bed projects as well as a broad-view plan for a 13-acre regenerative agricultural farm, along with assisting with passive solar greenhouse design for a local co-op.
Jen’s ultimate vision going forward: To help northern communities grow their own food in a challenging climate while supporting a unique ecosystem that is the boreal forest. Northbound Bloom strives to shed light on gardening and edible landscaping that is climate appropriate so that communities can cultivate a better relationship with this beautiful environment.