Meet Aasha + Avanthi
Field, Aasha & Avanthi are both engineers working in the city of Calgary, Alberta
Area of Specialization, Municipal transportation, water resource management
Their Story
Aasha and Avanthi took the 2020 Summer Online PDC simultaneously and worked together to produce a model site for a friend of theirs with a property in the Kootenays; In part, to get practice designing land at a large scale before they go off to purchase their own property in the near future.
Filled with uncertainty and turmoil over the state of the world, she sought a more meaningful way to connect with her environment and local community. Feeling that her field, engineering, can often be limited in perspective, when her sister Avanthi pitched taking a PDC together she was immediately attracted to Rob and Michelle by their open-minded yet technical approach to Permaculture. By taking the course, she finally discovered an applied way of addressing the uncertainty she felt, and found the toolkit necessary to go on and design her future homestead with her sister.
Having fallen down many Youtube rabbit holes showcasing the large scale negative impacts humans are having on the planet, she knew she needed to find a way to make a change for the better. The Online PDC appeared very serendipitously in her life, and provided her with the practices, principles, and ethics she needed to continue her own life journey in a more meaningful way. Working with her sister throughout the course and on the final design project, Avanthi and Aasha aspire to use their gained skills to purchase and design their own homestead in the near future.
Aasha and Avanthi are sisters who took the OPDC together with the intention of learning what was needed to go off and purchase/design their own land together.

About Their Project
Aasha and Avanthi took the 2020 Summer Online PDC together to produce a model site for a friend of theirs with a property in the Kootenays. They did this to practice designing land at a large scale before they eventually purchase their own property sometime in the near future.
View their Final Design Project Here:
Their PDC Experience
Curious what Aasha and Avanthi thought about the Online PDC? Wonder how it has impacted their lives? Check out the interview below where they share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences after having completed the 2020 Summer course.
Looking to connect with Aasha and/or Avanthi?
Location: Calgary, Alberta