
The primary focus of the Passive Solar Greenhouse Design course is on the design principles and technologies essential for effectively designing a Passive Solar Greenhouse (PSG) using science-backed diagnostics and techniques. Therefore, the course does not specifically include instruction on construction skills such as framing, wiring, or tool use.

However, we do recognize the importance of these skills in the overall process of building a greenhouse. To address this, our team of instructors includes professional contractors who specialize in PSG construction. These experts bring a wealth of practical knowledge and experience to the course. While the course content itself may not cover construction skills in detail, these instructors will be available to answer any construction-related questions you might have. This can include queries about framing techniques, electrical wiring considerations, tool recommendations, or any other construction aspects relevant to building a passive solar greenhouse.

In essence, while the course is centered on design principles, you’ll have access to professional insights and guidance on the construction elements, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of both the design and building aspects of a passive solar greenhouse.

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