
Our live online lectures are a key component of the Passive Solar Greenhouse Design course, providing an interactive and engaging learning experience. We conduct these sessions using Zoom, a widely-used and user-friendly video conferencing platform.

Here’s how you can join these sessions:

  1. Access Through the Portal: The link for each Zoom session will be available on the Events tab of our dedicated online Portal at This portal is your go-to resource for all course-related activities.
  2. Email Notifications: To ensure you don’t miss a session, we will also send out an email with the Zoom link one hour before the lecture starts. This gives you ample time to prepare and log in to the session.
  3. Joining the Session: Simply click on the provided link to join the live lecture. If you’re new to Zoom, it’s easy to set up and doesn’t require any complicated installation. You can join from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  4. Interactive Experience: During the live sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with the instructor, ask questions, and participate in discussions. This interactive format is designed to enhance your understanding and allow you to dive deeper into the course material.
  5. Technical Support: If you have any issues accessing the Zoom sessions, our technical support team will be available to assist you. We strive to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for all our participants.

By using Zoom for our live lectures, we aim to create an accessible, convenient, and dynamic learning environment that brings the classroom experience to your home or office. Join us to engage in a live, collaborative, and enriching educational journey!

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