
The Passive Solar Greenhouse Design course includes several practical assignments, although they are structured differently from conventional design and build projects. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Use of the PSGD Tool: A significant part of the course involves using the Passive Solar Greenhouse Design (PSGD) tool. This tool is integral to conducting a thorough analysis and designing your greenhouse. You’ll be guided on how to effectively utilize this tool to design a greenhouse that suits your specific needs and context.
  2. Contextual Research and Application: Assignments will often involve researching information relevant to your unique situation, such as local climate conditions, available materials, and specific site characteristics. This research is crucial for applying the course concepts to real-life scenarios.
  3. Interactive Learning Activities: While direct building assignments are not part of the course, you’ll be engaged in various interactive learning activities. These activities are designed to deepen your understanding of the course material and how it applies to the practical aspects of greenhouse design.
  4. Regular Knowledge Checks: To ensure that you are grasping the material effectively, the course includes regular knowledge checks. These may come in the form of quizzes, discussions, or reflective exercises.
  5. Application-Based Learning: The course emphasizes applying learned concepts to your project. You’ll be encouraged to continuously think about how the course material relates to your own greenhouse design, considering all the variables and conditions that apply to your situation.
  6. Community Feedback and Discussion: The course also leverages the community platform for discussions and feedback. You can share your progress, get insights from peers, and seek advice from instructors and fellow students.

In summary, the course is structured to provide a practical, hands-on learning experience through the use of analytical tools, research assignments, and continuous application of the concepts to your personal greenhouse project. This approach ensures that you not only learn the theoretical aspects of passive solar greenhouse design but also how to apply this knowledge effectively in a real-world context.

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