- Founder, Edible Earthscapes
- Graduated from Verge PDC in 2013
- Expertise: Permaculture design, vermicompost, food production, water harvesting, and earthworks.
Tim’s journey towards sustainable living began several years ago while volunteering as a gardener. After stumbling across permaculture and taking Verge’s PDC in 2013, he went on to study at the Seven Ravens Permaculture Academy before traveling to western Kenya to apply what he learned. During his travels, he helped establish a “Practical Permaculture Institute”, to help the local communities develop their permaculture knowledge and skills.
Returning home to Canadian soil, Tim founded Edible Earthscapes – producing designs to meet client needs while supporting vibrant local ecosystems. Now based in Lethbridge, AB, Tim also worked at Earthly Matters, a vermicompost and soil reclamation company in the area. It was this experience that taught Tim and his partner Lorinda all about vermicomposting, vermiculture, and soil health restoration from owner Dan Rollingson. Dan’s soil amendments remain key components of Edible Earthscape’s soil building services.
Among Tim’s work is the Lethbridge Urban Farming Guild’s community garden, (for which he partnered with Christiana Hill) – with the first phase of installation now complete.
He is now working to jumpstart a volunteer network for Lethbridge and the surrounding region called Permablitz Lethbridge to make permaculture more accessible to his community. By attending, volunteers can gain experience and earn credit towards hosting a future permablitz (a day of volunteer design implementation) on their own property.
On his experience with Verge:
Tim believes that the Verge PDC provided him with the tools he needed to turn his passion for environmental restoration into a viable living. Continued support from Rob along with connections made at Verge events has helped guide the direction of Edible Earthscapes and shaped Tim’s views as a designer and a business owner. His time at Verge also gave him something much more precious:
“My biggest takeaway from the course was connecting with other like-minded individuals. There was one fellow PDC student in particular who set my life on an unexpected and incredible journey. Lorinda, a permaculturalist, mother, and now my partner introduced me to the amazing Lethbridge community. Hers and the community’s support was pivotal in getting me to where I am now.”


Edible Earthscapes designs for long-term sustainability, building regenerative systems that support both land and people. The focus is meeting everyday needs while enriching the surrounding environment.
Southern Alberta faces unique environmental challenges, and Edible Earthscapes relies on keystone design principles such as building depleted soils, harvesting rainwater, and developing protection from wind, drought and hail.
Beyond design work, education is at the heart of Edible Earthscapes. Tim regularly does presentations, runs workshop, and teaches introductory permaculture courses, believing that face to face connections are crucial elements for building regenerative systems.
Interested In Learning More About Edible Earthscapes?
- Email: tim(at)
- Phone number: (403) 393-8394
- Website: