Is Permaculture Design Your Pathway?

The Fall 2023 Introduction to Permaculture Course Registration Has CLOSED.

We will announce more dates in 2024!

Attend Verge’s live, online Introductory Workshop to make an informed decision about pursuing an education in permaculture design.

 $14.00 CAD

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What Is Permaculture Design?

How Does It Work?

What Are Your Next Steps?

Introduction to Permaculture

Live, Interactive Online Workshop
Weekly Spots Available
3-Hour Course includes Q&A
$14 CAD

You believe in the earth-healing power of permaculture, but the pathway to practicing it is unclear. Our low-cost, introductory workshop provides the overview you’ve been looking for. Learn the basics of permaculture design live online from leading industry experts Rob Avis, Carmen Lamoureux, Jen Nobel, and Alain D’Aoust.

To protect the interactive nature of the course, space is limited.
free range chickens enjoying apples that have fallen to the ground

Find inspiration, hope, and real
solutions for our planet’s future!

Verge’s live, online introductory workshop immerses you in the promise and potential of permaculture design. We’ll provide a high-level overview of how permaculture makes it possible to . . .

❏ Design gardens and farms that mirror natural, self-sustaining ecosystems.

❏ Regenerate healthy soil and grow abundant food.

❏ Build resilient, clean water supplies on your property.

❏ Find a low-stress approach to integrating animals on your property.

❏ Build a homestead with cutting-edge clean tech, natural building techniques, and renewable energy.

❏ Follow clear, simple principles and tactics that demystify permaculture design.

❏ And so much more!

Explore the power of permaculture
without committing to a PDC!

For most people trying to learn about permaculture design, there doesn’t seem to be a way to wrap their mind around it without leaping into a full, 72-hour long PDC (Permaculture Design Course). PDC’s are lengthy, intense courses designed for committed students, and you should have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the basics of permaculture design before taking that step.


Verge’s Introductory Workshop is the ideal first
step in your permaculture design journey.

Spend a few hours learning the basics before you invest months in a full design course.


1. Introductory Workshop

In this live, online 4-hour overview of
permaculture design, you’ll learn about
its inspiring, world-changing potential
and the basics of how it works.


2. The Verge PDC

If you choose to move forward, the live,
online Verge PDC is a 4-month
certification course which serves as
your foundation for life as a


3. Verge Academy

After the PDC, the Verge Academy
guides your next steps with in-depth
master classes, a vast resource library,
and community support.

What’s Covered in the Workshop?

Experience a fundamental shift in your understanding of how our ecosystems function and find a pathway to
a hopeful future! By the end, you’ll understand what it means to be a permaculturist!

What Is Permaculture?

Understand this alternative perspective
on agriculture: how it simplifies and
solves the problems facing our planet.

Ecosystem Dynamics

Learn how permaculture follows nature’s own
design to create resilient ecosystems and
abundant life on a property

Basic Principles of Design

Plunge into the mindset of a designer
and learn about the essential
components of a successful project.

Live Q&A with Instructors!

You won’t just sit and listen. This is an
interactive, online experience with a
leading expert in permaculture design!

Meet Your Instructors


Rob Avis
Co-Founder of Verge Permaculture

Read Rob's Bio

Rob and his wife, Michelle Avis, left the oil and gas industry in 2008 and launched Verge Permaculture, now an award-winning regenerative design, consulting, and education center which has supported more than 15,000 registrants and helped to establish growing local and global permaculture communities. As one of Verge’s lead PDC instructors and a Professional Engineer, Rob brings international training and decades of experience in permaculture, green building science, renewable energy and water harvesting. Together he and Michelle have successfully developed two permaculture properties and test/demo sites.


Carmen Lamoureux
Verge PDC Lead Instructor

Read Carmen's Bio

The lead instructor for the Verge PDC, Carmen has had a varied career, working for the Alberta government in the fields of sustainable resource management, forestry and privately in silviculture, soils and horticulture. She is the founder and owner of Calgary’s URBAN FARM SCHOOL, as well as the Urban Farm Permaculture Project. As a Master Gardener and renowned Permaculture Educator with nearly 5 decades of experience, she is dedicated to helping emerging gardeners and permaculture enthusiasts gain the freedom, confidence and skills they need to live more abundant, sustainable and resilient lives.

amy reynolds holding a goat

Amy Reynolds
Verge PDC Instructional Designer

Read Amy's Bio

Permaculture was Amy’s way of being, before she knew the word. She has always viewed nature as our best teacher, demonstrating how connection and cooperation are the keys to creating resiliency. Since completing her online PDC with Verge Permaculture in Fall 2020, she has volunteered on the board of the Permaculture Calgary Guild, at Highfield Regenerative Farm and with a handful of other permaculture groups within the community.
She loves to grow, both in the garden and her skills! Over the past few years, she has experimented with growing mushrooms (indoors and outside); milking goats and making natural cheeses; maintaining a sourdough culture and making different breads; and most recently, making her own chocolate. Wild foraging and making herbal salves/tinctures are high on her list to try next!

Alain D’Aoust
Verge Academy Instructional Designer

Read Alain's Bio

Alain has spent the last decade working on local food projects, delivering school garden programs and developing community-based permaculture in the Seaway Valley of Eastern Ontario. He and his family have since settled on a new rural homestead where they have designed and built a simple home and are developing their 10-acre parcel using the Building Your Permaculture Property process.He is the facilitator and leads student experience in the Verge Academy for Advanced Permaculture Training.


Who benefits from Verge’s
Introductory Workshop?

Verge Permaculture’s online, interactive workshops support a diverse community. For the last 15 years, we’ve supported more than 15,000 registrants from more than 30 different nations.

● Homesteaders wanting to create a better life for their family and community.

● Business Owners applying permaculture principles to their products and services

● Aspiring Professionals pursuing a permaculture-related career

● Urban Homeowners and Renters eager to make a difference

● Community Leaders with a vision of serving others

Passionate Learners trying to find their path forward!

Meet Our Students!


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