
The course’s approach to sustainability and regenerative practices in greenhouse design is deeply rooted in the core principles of permaculture design, which is central to Verge Permaculture’s educational philosophy. Here’s how this approach is integrated into the course:

  1. Systems Thinking Approach: We emphasize a systems thinking perspective, which means that we don’t just look at the greenhouse as an isolated element but as a part of a larger ecological and environmental system. This approach helps in understanding the interconnections and interactions between the greenhouse and its surrounding environment.
  2. Sustainability in Design: The course focuses on sustainable design practices, which include the use of renewable resources, minimizing waste, and ensuring that the greenhouse contributes positively to the environment. This involves choosing materials and methods that have a lower environmental impact and promote biodiversity.
  3. Regenerative Practices: We go beyond sustainability to incorporate regenerative practices. This means designing greenhouses that not only do no harm but actively improve the environment. This could involve techniques that enhance soil health, increase biodiversity, and contribute to the regeneration of the local ecosystem.
  4. Holistic Education: Our course content is framed to provide a holistic education. We delve into how a greenhouse fits into the overall design of a property and how it can play a role in a sustainable lifestyle. This includes understanding the greenhouse’s impact on energy use, water cycle, and local flora and fauna.
  5. Application of Permaculture Principles: The course is imbued with permaculture principles such as ‘Observe and Interact’, ‘Catch and Store Energy’, and ‘Use and Value Diversity’. These principles guide the design process, ensuring that the greenhouse is efficient, productive, and harmonious with nature.
  6. Encouraging Creative Solutions: We encourage students to think creatively about how their greenhouses can serve multiple functions and contribute to a regenerative lifestyle. This might include integrating food production, water harvesting, and habitat creation.

In summary, the course approaches greenhouse design from a permaculture perspective, ensuring that each design is sustainable, regenerative, and part of a larger ecological system. It’s about creating greenhouses that are not only productive but also contribute positively to the environment and the well-being of the community.

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