
Absolutely! Our online Portal, where the course materials and lectures are hosted, is mobile-friendly. This means you can conveniently access the course content, including videos and readings, directly from your mobile device.

However, it’s important to note a couple of key points for the best learning experience:

  1. PSGD Tool Limitations on Mobile: While our Portal is mobile-friendly, the Passive Solar Greenhouse Design (PSGD) tool itself is not optimized for mobile devices. To effectively use this tool, which is an integral part of the course, you would need to access it from a computer or laptop.
  2. Live Sessions on Mobile: Although live sessions conducted via Zoom can technically be accessed on a mobile device, we recommend attending these sessions using a computer or laptop. This is because the larger screen and more robust interface of a computer provide a more conducive learning environment, making it easier to view presentations, engage with instructors and peers, and participate actively in the sessions.

In summary, while you have the flexibility to access much of the course content from your mobile device, for certain key elements like the PSGD tool and live sessions, using a computer or laptop will enhance your overall learning experience.

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