
This six minute video provides a comprehensive overview of how to access your Student Dashboard and associated course materials:

The Student Dashboard

Once you are logged into the site, the WELCOME STUDENT! menu item will appear. Hover over the WELCOME STUDENT!  menu item and navigate to the STUDENT DASHBOARD (or simply visit the url:

From there, scroll down and select the tab called ONLINE COURSES & MATERIAL to view any online courses or online material associated with in-person courses, as applicable.

If you are a Permaculture Design Student, and you are looking for course slides, courses resources and other features, head to the item called EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR PDC (START HERE).

Hit the expand arrow and you’ll see the item PDC- COURSE RESOURCES & FEATURES ACCESS.  Click there.

Now you’ll see the a table outlining all the features and resources included in each of our Foundational and Premium packages.  Links and/or instructions for delivery are included for every item.

For instance, the access link for the Digital Resource Library, which includes a digital copy of the slides, handouts and 30+ additional resources, is shown below:

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