In Community Design, Water

Today the Mustard Seed Design Group, Prospect PDD Services and members of the Mustard Seed got together in the Mustard Seed art room to build wetpots for the rooftop garden that will be installed later in May. The wetpots are fired clay pots. When partially burried in a garden bed, water poured into the wet pot slowly leaches into the surrounding soil. This passively irrigates plants over time. In our garden design, these pots will be gravity fed by water stored in rain tanks.


We decided to get creative and artistic knowing full well that these pots would be burried – the worms will certainly enjoy the art! Each pot is unique in its design and look. We made love pots, coconut pots, thristy mouth pots, hairy pots and even a Picasso pot. So much fun – we will be getting together to build a few more in short order.

Here is a video describing a wetpot.

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