This expanded list contains more books and online resources than included in the book, as well as hyperlinks. Note that the research papers referenced in the book are listed here.
The following books are all excellent resources for planning and designing landscape water-harvesting earthworks, using and designing greywater systems, and designing for landscape infiltration:
- Hemenway, T. 2009. Gaia’s Garden. Chelsea Green Publishing Company, White River Junction, VT.
- Lancaster, B. 2010. Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volume 1 and Volume 2. Rainsource Press, Tucson, AZ.
- Ludwig, A. 2007. Create An Oasis With Greywater. Oasis Design. Santa Barbara, CA.
- Ludwig, A. 2013. Water Storage, Tanks Cisterns, Aquifers, and Ponds. Oasis Design. Santa Barbara, CA.
- Mollison, B. 2012. Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual. Tagari Publications. Tasmania, Australia.
- Mollison, B. 2011. Introduction to Permaculture. Tagari Publications. Tasmania, Australia.
- Reynolds, Michael. 1990. Earthship, Volume II: Systems and Components. Solar Survival Press. Taos, NM.
- Downey, Nate. 2010. Harvest the Rain. Sunstone Press. Santa Fe, NM.
Online Resources, Courses and Consulting Information
Adaptive Habitat
Calgary, Alberta
Our consulting firm, Adaptive Habitat, offers a depth of practical expertise in building science and appropriate technology (solar, wind, combined heat and power), as well as rainwater harvesting, agro-ecology, ecosystem engineering, soil regeneration and onsite wastewater treatment/septic design.
Canadian Association for Rainwater Management
CANARM stands for the promotion and education of rainwater and stormwater management best practices. With increasing environmental awareness and concerns, addressing the issues of rainwater management has become paramount to the success and longevity of many residences and business.
Harvesting Rainwater For Drylands and Beyond
Tucson, Arizona
Author Brad Lancaster maintains a very information blog with many useful resources including materials and suppliers lists: www.harvestingrainwater.com
Oasis Design
Santa Barbara, California
Author Art Ludwig and his team maintain another great online resources pertaining to rainwater and greywater: http://oasisdesign.net
Urban Water Cycle Solutions
Dr. Coombes has spent more than 30 years dedicated to the development of systems understanding of the urban, rural and natural water cycles with a view to finding optimum solutions for the sustainable use of ecosystem services, provision of infrastructure and urban planning. His website is a wealth of information and research.
Verge Permaculture
Calgary, Alberta
Learn about our free resources (videos, blog, newsletter and free online courses), as well as our premium courses on topics such as permaculture, land design, greenhouse design and rainwater harvesting (in-person and online) at www.vergepermaculture.ca