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This interactive webinar has passed – keep an eye out in the Vault for the Webinar Replay!

Design Your Own Permaculture Home Orchard Trio

You’ll learn Stefan’s methods for producing abundant, healthy crops without fertilizers or pesticides and how you can apply those methods on your property.

Presented by Stefan Sobkowiak, founder of the largest permaculture fruit orchard in Eastern North America.

Want to watch replays from our past webinars? With more than ten-years of teaching, Verge has created a massive archive of zero-cost permaculture resources. Join our Free Community and jump into the Verge Vault and you will automatically get access to a tonne of free content.

The Orchard of Your Dreams Is Possible – Here’s How!

Learn what a permaculture home orchard is (hint: it’s not a food forest!) and how it can provide months of varied, delicious, nutrient-packed harvests for your family while restoring the land. You will learn how to:

planting tree
Select the right cultivars for diversity, resilience, and an extended harvest
apple blossoms on tree
Employ plant guilds and wildlife for fertile soil and natural disease control
Stefan Sobkowiak walking at miracle farm
Save time and money with a design based on the features of your site

Eat Fruits, Nuts, and Berries the Way Nature Intended

Fresh, Ripe, Beyond-Organic Goodness Just Outside Your Door

Chemical Free





  • Stefan Sobkowiak
    Stefan Sobkowiak

Meet Your Instructor

Stefan Sobkowiak has been described as “a man outstanding in his field” – a biologist, university lecturer and public speaker. In 2017, he founded “beyond-organic” Miracle Farms, now the largest permaculture fruit orchard in Eastern North America, which also incorporates livestock and fowl. 

With advanced degrees in wildlife biology and landscape architecture, he has crafted designs to attract beneficial birds, animals and insects to clients’ properties over the past 20 years. He has taught courses including Fruit Production and Landscape Plants and Design at Montreal’s McGill University, and spoken to more than 400 groups on topics including edible gardening, landscape design, and permaculture. 

With Stefan’s expertise, humor and optimism, he is a popular lecturer, eagerly requested by Verge students since his talk on Your Permaculture Lab at Verge’s 2021 Permaculture Summit. We’re thrilled to welcome him back!

Discover the Art and Science of Home Orcharding

Imagine serving your friends and family luscious, chemical-free fruit from a home orchard that defies conventional wisdom! 

In this FREE interactive webinar, you’ll hear how Stefan’s methods produce beautiful, healthy crops without fertilizers or pesticides and how you can apply those methods on your property. 

Attend live, ask your questions, and get them answered in real time. Plus, you get:

Learn concepts and principles for orchard layout and plan your orchard cost-effectively from the start.

Integrate plant and animal systems for biodiversity and disease resistance, to extend your harvesting season.

Download Stefan’s latest e-book, answering students’ questions on permaculture, orchards, fruit trees and more.

Pluck Your Vitamins Right Off the Tree

A conventional apple a day probably won’t “keep the doctor away” – but your home-raised fruits can be packed with that kind of vibrant nutrition! This Webinar will teach you Stefan’s unique strategy to rebuild the soil ecosystem as your orchard grows, replacing vital nutrients and using nature’s own tools to build the strength and resilience of your trees. The result? Fruits supercharged with vitamins and minerals to build your family’s health and well-being! 

If you’re looking to build a healthy, self-sufficient, regenerative life for yourself and your family, register for our webinar!

Eager to keep the conversation going with Stefan?

Dig into the roots of our seed-to-succession Masterclass

Advanced Home Orcharding

Starts July 26th, 2023

Wednesdays 3:30pm PT / 5:30pm ET


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